Thursday, July 31, 2008


I was born on the 13h day of the month of Janus.

January is the 1st month of the year. And it is the 13th month of any previous year.

At age 13 I grew by 13 centimeters and I remember it was my best year at school probably, acing all my courses and topping all 6 sections of the 9th grade. It’s also the year I lost all the excess weight I accumulated on my lazy body between ages 8 and 11.

I wrote my first novel at age 13, and finished at age 14 when it had 103 pages.

I wore the number 13 on my basket ball team in high school.

I took my driving license on the 13 of January 2000 – just as I turned 18.

My passport number starts with the number 13.. RL01317XX...

I once fell in love with a girl that was born on a January 13. It was the highlight of my life. Yet, it ended pretty shamefully and did not last as long as I thought it would. It lasted as long as it could though, and that was enough.

And the day I got my French driving license… exchanging it for my Lebanese license to be exchanged by this one. The date is the 13th of February.

I only noticed that… as I sat in the Turkish embassy while I was getting my visa to go to Istambul, when I realized my number in the line.. was 13. That was so funny.

When I came back to take my Turkish Visa 15 days later, I also took a number. 13.

Then I stepped back and started seeing this number more frequently.

Youngest a minor can watch a PG-13 rated movie by the MPAA without the recommendation of parental guidance or parental consent.

Jesus and his apostoles. 13. The number of participants in the Last Supper.

On the periodic table of elements, aluminum has an atomic number of 13.
Al (13, 27).

In 1782, Congress appointed a design artist, William Barton , to bring a proposal for the US national seal. For the reverse, Barton suggested a 13 layered pyramid underneath the Eye of Providence. The motto which Barton chose to accompany the design was, Deo Favente Perennis, "Enduring by the Favor of God". It is a 13 letter latin expression. It was later changed to Annuit cœptis.

Today, the Great Seal of the United States has an eagle with 13 arrows representing the unity of the original 13 colonies. E pluribus unum is the motto found on the seal, along with Annuit cœptis and Novus ordo seclorum, and adopted by an Act of Congress in 1782. E pluribus unum -- Out of many one. 13 letters.

13. It is the smallest integer with eight letters in its spelled out name in English. It is also the age at which children become teenagers.

13 is also the second happy prime, following 7, and the rethorical 1.

There are 13 Archimedean solids.

In Judaism, 13 signifies the age at which a boy matures and becomes a Bar Mitzvah.

The number of principles of Jewish faith according to Maimonides. 13.

According to the Torah, God has 13 Attributes of Mercy.

In Mesoamerican Divination, 13 is the number of important cycles of fortune/misfortune.

It gets more interesting...

13 goes into 999,999 exactly 76,923 times, so vulgar fractions with 13 in the denominator have six digit repeating sequences in their decimal expansions. It is thus the smallest half period prime.

13 is the largest number whose factorial is less than 1010. This means 13 is often the largest factorial a pocket calculator can represent without scientific notation.

13 is the only positive integer that is the fourth root of the sum of the squares of two successive positive integers (119 and 120).

The number of circles, or "nodes", that make up Metatron's Cube: 13.

The 13th root is the most famous integer root calculation record, because it is the first prime number over 10 such that the last digit of a 13th integer power is the same as the last digit of its 13th root!

In base 10, the smallest prime with a composite sum of digits is 13.

13 is a repdigit in base 3 (111).

There exists an aperiodic set of 13 Wang tiles.

Fear of the number 13 is termed triskaidekaphobia. The 13th of a month is likewise ominous, particularly when it falls on a Friday in some English-speaking cultures, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Belgium and Germany (see Friday the 13th) or a Tuesday in the Greek and Spanish-speaking world.

13 was once associated with the Epiphany by Christians, as it is said the child Jesus received Melchior, Balthazar and Gaspar, the three Magi on the 13th day of his life.

When a group of 13 objects or people is divided into two, three, four or six equal groups, there is always one leftover, or "unlucky", object or person.

According to another interpretation, the number 13 is unlucky because it is the number of full moons in a contemporary year, but two full moons in a single calendar month (mistakenly referred to as a blue moon in a magazine article of the 1940s) only happens about every 5 years.

Inside of a Lufthansa plane, row numbers go straight from 12 to 14. Where is the 13th?

The day that the Knights Templar were slaughtered in a collaboration between King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V finishing with the burning at the stake of Grand Master, the prince Jacques De Molay: Friday the 13th.

The legion with which Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon was the Legio XIII Gemina -- the 13th legion.

The Apollo 13 spacecraft malfunctioned after being launched on April 11th at 13:13 CST, forcing it to return to Earth without a landing on the moon and imperiling its crew.

After 13 years of being the richest man in the world, Microsoft Corporation chairman Bill Gates lost this title, according to Forbes magazine's 2008 list of the world's billionaires--to a Mexican of Lebanese origin: Carlos Slim Helu.

According to the ancient Mayan culture, it is foretold that when these 13 crystal skulls are reunited, they have the power to save humanity from a horrible catastrophe. All 13 skulls must be reunited by December 21, 2012, which is the marked as Doomsday--the last day recorded on the Mayan calendar. There are supposedly 4 of the 13 ancient quartz skulls found thus far.

If you play too much with the number 13, some odd things could fall into your hands...

Things Could Get Kruel.

Lady Diana died when her car hit the 13th pillar of a tunnel in Paris, on August 31, 1997.

August 31, 2008:
Exactly 11 years later, it happens to be my last day on this job in Paris.

Tomorrow, I will be on a new adventure.
Oh.. and my full name has 11 letters -- when written in Latin letters.
This post has 43 facts. A prime number. My address in Paris was 43 Avenue de Versailles.


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